What's the main tune?

That instrumental song that repeats throughout the movie, in the beginning and the end - and I think a few spots during the movie. I saw on another post that it's just called Finale by John Hammer, but that's not the main song.

Anyone know?

Take that you winged spawn of Satan!


tangerine dream performs the instrumental score. the main theme is 'no screts' by van stephenson.


That's not the one I'm talking about. I know it says that's the theme song of the movie on imdb.com, but I'm referring to the instrumental song, it's a really simple tune. And if Tangerine Dream does an instrumental version of "No Secrets" then it's still not the one I'm looking for, unless they tweaked the melody. The first three or four notes of the one I'm talking about sounds a lot like Roxette's "Listen to Your Heart." They play it several times throughout the movie.

Do you know which one I'm talking about? I'm just trying to find somewhere I can get the song.

Take that you winged spawn of Satan!


Are you talking about the one in the very beginning when the first letter is being written in the opening credits?


That's the one.

That's what I said.
That's what I'm saying to you.
All right.


I'm looking for that song too. Sweet tune! Did you ever find it? Or find out what it was called @ least?


Nope. Still have no clue :(

Talk radio?
Yes, talk radio.
So boring! The car just committed suicide.


You know what, shortly after I posted this question, I thought, I'll bet that the main theme was a small score composed just for this movie & isn't on the soundtrack. I have no idea, but I'm gonna try my damndest to find out....will let you know if I find anything.


Thanks :)

Talk radio?
Yes, talk radio.
So boring! The car just committed suicide.


yes i know the one you're talking about and that doesn't sound like tangerine dream. tangerine dream is alot of synths with drums. you're talking about the piano/pad solo they play at the very end. when he steals that guys car and is racing to catch the boat, it's tangerine dream, but when he jumps in the water and the movie ends, its that piano piece. i will try to find out who that is. sorry i misunderstood you.


It's called 'The Letter' by Jan Hammer. I have it. You can too.


Hey rusty, can you please tell me how you got it? And if so, may I please have it? Thanks.


Check that. Just listened to it. It's a piece called 'Secret Admirer'. Duh! There's another track called 'The Letter'. Both by Jan Hammer and neither of which are on the ost. If you can't find them on the www then get at me and I'll be happy to help.


Yes that's it! I couldn't find a download of the song, so I searched it on Youtube, and it's the first video that pops up, The Letter that is.

Thank you! You ended my insanity!

Talk radio?
Yes, talk radio.
So boring! The car just committed suicide.


That's "The Letter" of Jan Hammer. It is mentioned both on title and end credits.
Hear it again at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YH7XAHTrWc
