MovieChat Forums > Rocky IV (1985) Discussion > This movie completely screwed up Apollo'...

This movie completely screwed up Apollo's character

Just what the title said. And it wasn't just because he died, but because he went from being the shrewd and great ex boxer in the role of a shepard to Rocky to being a complete tool in this movie. I mean how on the world does any professional fighter take Drago that lightly? Even if the man couldn't box a lick look at him, he was clearly a freak of nature and a physical specimen, (well not really nature since he was a steroids creation.) Some of the things he said before the fight were retarded too. "WE have to be in the middle of the action because we the warriors. And without some challenge without some damn war to fight the warrior may as well be dead." Really that's the mark of someone in a sad state. I mean there are plenty of battles to fight without the desire to beat someone's head in. And you got to know your limitations too. And then in some ways it sort of made Rocky a tool too by seeking nothing more than revenge in a match with Drago.

Don't get me wrong, its an entertaining movie and the montages and all, but I think it definitely could have been a better and more realistic story written around generally the same plot. I think it would have been better had Drago challenged Creed instead and sort of goaded him into coming out of retirement, instead of Apollo being dumb enough to think he could come back invincible after five years out of the ring.


It was too simplistic and silly, but it was true to Apollo's arrogance and complacency, which have been character traits of his since Rocky 1 and 2. It was 3 which made him do a 180, but Carl Weathers was so good and the (few) bits of dialog in that movie made his transition from emperor without clothes to wise lion believable. In 4 he reverted back to his old ways only now he was over the hill. Could have been done better, but it works in an overthetop Red Dawn/Invasion USA/James Bond kind of way. Still, I agree, Apollo was a better character than this movie portrayed him to be and his death should have been better written. Considering how cheesy this story and much of the dialog is it really is a testament to the talents of these actors, particularly Carl Weathers that they were able to turn in such good performances.

We have to reserve the right to bomb the n iggers. David Lloyd George on disarmament.


It was too simplistic and silly, but it was true to Apollo's arrogance and complacency, which have been character traits of his since Rocky 1 and 2. It was 3 which made him do a 180, but Carl Weathers was so good and the (few) bits of dialog in that movie made his transition from emperor without clothes to wise lion believable. In 4 he reverted back to his old ways only now he was over the hill. Could have been done better, but it works in an overthetop Red Dawn/Invasion USA/James Bond kind of way. Still, I agree, Apollo was a better character than this movie portrayed him to be and his death should have been better written. Considering how cheesy this story and much of the dialog is it really is a testament to the talents of these actors, particularly Carl Weathers that they were able to turn in such good performances.

I have to disagree somewhat. In Rocky 1 Apollo was in his prime and fighting an unknown club fighter. Any professional fighter could fall into the trap of arrogance there. In Rocky 2 he was far more serious and it showed in the fight, he should have won easily and would have had he listened to Duke instead of being so determined to knock Rocky out.

In Rocky 4 he was five years out of the ring and close to 40 years old if not a little older and fighting a physical specimen in his prime. Don't see anyway he should have been this dumb about the fight.

Like I said, I think Rocky 4 could have followed a similar plot and been written more realistically.


Of course his character is complex, other than the poor writing, I don't see it as out of character for Apollo. He was still arrogant in R2 inspite of being more serious. At the press conference he goes on and on about destroying Rocky in a few short rounds, he can donate his body to science, etc. He was dead wrong about the gap between Rocky's and his ability.


We also can't forget that R4 has a new theme: honorable death. Apollo to be so consumed with the idea that it better to die in the ring than live with his wife and 2 kids as a retired former champ and trainer of the current champ, is selfishness off the charts. The speech he gives to Rocky about "warriors" is ok, but seriously, he still can't get over losing the belt? He made transition from fighter to trainer successfully in R3. He should have moved on. The real reason is this is Cold War propaganda, but it's fun and also a bit of an insult to the Apollo character and his fans IMO.

We have to reserve the right to bomb the n iggers. David Lloyd George on disarmament.


@star_in_the_zenith_79 Some of the things he said before the fight were retarded too.
That's par for the course in a Rocky movie.


I had a theory that Apollo wanted to die and he knew all along that Drago was a monster and that if anybody could kill him, it was Drago. Look at the way Apollo looks at Drago when he says "you will lose", Apollo looked like he was trying to play it off like he was still confident he could beat him. And of course there is the classic conversation about warriors and without a war they should cease to exist anymore. This is the utmost characteristic I didn't like about Apollo was that he was too selfish in Rocky IV he didn't realize what he would be leaving behind such as his wife and kids I mean he had enough money to support his family the rest of his life and he basically threw that away because of his foolish pride.


That foolish pride is probably the reason he, or anyone, becomes a heavyweight champion in the first place. It must take a certain obsessiveness to want to be the toughest fighter on Earth, which is why you hear of ex-champs having troubled upbringings or childhoods where they were bullied by bigger kids. The chip on their shoulder drives them. It's not a profession where being second-best or accepting defeat easily is in your mindset. Very few heavyweight boxers retire as champions, most lose their belt to a better guy.

In Rocky 4, Apollo loses his life instead of a belt. Easy to dismiss him as selfish, but like I said, he wouldn't have the same mindset as 'normal' folk.

Will be curious to see what his grandson thinks of him when Creed comes out.


If Rocky Balboa listened to Lady this the movie we'd get?


Great insight, as usual Marty, I don't mean to be dismissive of Apollo in Rocky IV. Carl's performance was spot on as always, only Tony Burton and possibly Lungdren surpass him in this film (Pataki is great too). The script by Sly simply didn't make the sale for me. I know III and IV are mostly action movies, but this one took too many broad strokes for character motivation for me (with all the montage, I'm not surprised). Then again, people you know and love do things they don't explain much to others, so perhaps it does work. Just seems like a bizzare turn of events. First Drago is pushing the ref out of the way, later with his "for me, FOR ME!!" speech is supposed to be humanized and somewhat sympathetic. I think more was owed to the audience to make that emotional sale authentic. Action, yes. Affect, not quite (for me, anyway.)

We have to reserve the right to bomb the n iggers. David Lloyd George on disarmament.


Maybe I took that a little far but he was full of himself in Rocky 4. I do like Apollo I just defended him on another post saying that Apollo could possibly beat Drago if he were in his prime.


I just defended him on another post saying that Apollo could possibly beat Drago if he were in his prime.

There's no way Apollo could beat Drago no matter what his age is.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


Maybe not BEAT him, but put up a much better fight and it wouldn't result in death. If you think Drago would kill Apollo in his prime then you need to watch the first two films again .


Agreed, Apollo in his prime would have been an excellent opponent for Drago because the latter doesn't seem like a particularly quick mover or hitter. Apollo's agility would have gone a long way in that fight.

RE: Drago's 'For ME!' speech...I took that as a confirmation of his villainisation rather than a sympathetic touch. There are hints of his selfish ego in the training montage, where Rocky stops to help the Russian with the overturned cart but Drago has such little respect for his own sparring partners that he spits on them when floored. Not very communist! He's equally brash with a guy who tries to give him a water bottle between rounds in the final fight. I can see why some would sympathise with an athlete whose own country starts cheering against him but I don't know if that was Stallone's intent.


If Rocky Balboa listened to Lady this the movie we'd get?


Curious why you see that as a villain's speech, I always took that as the moment he was supposed to turn around like a Frankenstein monster vs. Creator moment. I do agree about the early stuff with the montage. Never thought about how anticommunist that seems, LOL, good one!

We have to reserve the right to bomb the n iggers. David Lloyd George on disarmament.


What I hated most is the fact that Apollo is used as nothing more than a catalyst for an East VS West grudge match, then virtually forgotten about.

They should have made more of Mrs. Creed after Apollo died, she was there to scream at his death and cry at his funeral and that was it.

She should have been shown offering Rocky support, and also a poignant scene of her happy reaction at Rocky patching things up with the Soviets could have been made.

I also thought a scene of Ludmilla and Drago sharing a tender moment after Rocky's speech would have been nice - as it stood, he just was left a one-dimensional character.


I also thought a scene of Ludmilla and Drago sharing a tender moment after Rocky's speech would have been nice - as it stood, he just was left a one-dimensional character.

What we saw is not a one dimensional character. What we saw was even better than a touching moment. Drago was actually listening and paying attention to Rocky. That's far more important and touching.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


Your post made me look up the montage again. I had noticed Rocky stopping to help the man with the cart, but had missed Drago treating his training partners with such disrespect.

Regarding his "For me" speech, it is hard to gauge where he was coming from with that remark, at least for me. I think Sly made Drago too much into a robot and a prop of the Soviet government. Maybe Sly wanted to convey his his determination and discipline as a Captain and his training-and-winning mentality, but it would have been better for him to express how he felt about competing in the USA, and how he felt about Apollo as an opponent. We got all the information about his training and desire to fight from his wife and the rest of his contingent. And, that's another thing that bothers me about the film: Drago and his relationship with his wife. If she wouldn't have mentioned it during the press conferences, I would not have known that they were married. Not a moment of sweetness, flirting, or a subtle kiss is exchanged between them.


Being dedicated is okay, but up to a certain point fighters need to think about other things like their Family and their feelings. He was stupid to keep going even though He knew He couldn't do anymore, yes I now fighter's have a certain mindset or whatever, but seriously? getting killed over an exhibition match?! that is over the top.


Not sure where you were going with this, but this film portrays exactly Apollo's m.o. from the earlier films.... Ego, hubris, trying to market a big event extravaganza without realizing what he's getting into.

This same attitude saw Rocky go the distance in part 1, Apollo lose entirely to Rocky in part 2.... If anything, the Rocky III Apollo is the version out of place with the other films, but one can just assume him retiring mellowed him out for the time being.


Exactly. Only this time, Apollo was jealous of what Rocky had. He got out before the huge paydays and wanted that opportunity. He wanted a talking robot too!

Perhaps if he never saw that robot, or if he trained in Siberia, chopped down a tree and scaled a mountain, he'd still be alive today. Damn you Robot!! Damn YOOUUUUUU!


Exactly. Only this time, Apollo was jealous of what Rocky had. He got out before the huge paydays and wanted that opportunity. He wanted a talking robot too!

Perhaps if he never saw that robot, or if he trained in Siberia, chopped down a tree and scaled a mountain, he'd still be alive today. Damn you Robot!! Damn YOOUUUUUU!

LOL!! It's that damn robot's fault haha

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Apollo struggled with life after he retired from boxing. He talked about it before fighting Drago. I guess that was the fragile side of a great champion.


Which is a shame, b/c Apollo seems very educated and not "punchy" to corrode his senses.


Apollo's inability to adjust to life after retiring from boxing may be one of the most realistic things from the Rocky movies. Many great champions have struggled with life after boxing.


I Think the worst aspect in Rocky 4,when it comes to Apollo,is how he is portrayed as such a weak punk. I know the choreography of these 80´´s boxingflicks is laughable,I mean why use your hands to keep your guard up when you can just walk into a direct hit,fall and get up again? No,the worst part is the difference when it comes to strength and endurance.

Rocky and Apollo,even where the film is set when Creed is retired,the start of the film,put the two at pretty much even boxers with Rocky the slightly stronger,better one. Yet,for the plot to get along and the fight to be over quickly,Apollo´s punchs have no effect whatsoever on Drago,at this stage he doesn´t seem capable of anything but a weak jab and right hook.....and as soon as Drago lands his First punsch,it´s All over and a Quick slaughter! Wow,so this russian can hit back? Okay,time for me to die(Apollo vs Drago is a disgrace and such a humiliation of an Icon character).

But because Rocky is pissed,he can land a punch at the end of the second round that injures Drago and from there on the two are equals in trading punches and Rocky takes about 23 times the abuse Apollo took in his last fight.

Rocky and Apollo-pretty equal. Rocky and Drago-Pretty equal. Drago and Apollo-Like Frankenstein beating up an old,homeless person who wants to be put out of his misery....

I get that the character had to die,I get his trademark arrogance to a certain Point but in the end,he ends up going into the fight delusional with unmotivated hubris and turned into a punching bag...but maybe it isn´t his exaggerated confidence that is the problem,it is to the extreme lengths Stallone goes to make Drago a credible threat and how he rushes it,it completely messes up the universe he has created.

If Apollo got killed in the 4th round or so after putting up a decent,noble but insufficient fight,sure,that would feel like Apollo,I mean,he´d still die,right? Stallone would have all the incentive needed for Rocky. Making the former champion look like a punkbitch with Words he didn´t come Close to backing up is his failing. Anyone but a deranged narcissist would be able to recognize the threat a beast like Drago posed,knowing you´re over the hill against a fighter in his prime would just inject a human being with some common sense but Stallone didn´t write humans here,inconsistent characterdevelopment and science-fiction is more what comes to mind.


I understood the purpose of it, it was to build Drago up as much as possible. They had to make him appear invincible to really build up the Rocky fight. It just came off as rather silly and unrealistic. I still think it could have been done better.


Oh definetly. This is a guilty pleasure movie. I always enjoy it but Stallone really screwed up Apollo with the writing.

He may have been a few years older but this was still a guy who could fight and lasted 15 rounds with Rocky in both fights, and even though he dished it out more than he took it, he still took severe beatings from Rocky in their fights and carried on.

It becomes even more of a joke when you see Rocky after fighting Drago and he looks like he's just gone a few rounds lol.

I agree with you and others, I would have had Apollo give his all and die around round 3 or 4, and make it so Drago didn't break the rules to finish him.

That way, Drago isn't some brutal killer, and Apollo bows out with dignity. I guess because it was made when Stallone was becoming more of an action hero he wasn't so interested in a hint of realism, or the characters at this point.




It is very simple. For Apollo to have won, he would have needed to train, for this he'd have needed a training montage, and we all know that Rocky, and Rocky only has the right to a training montage, so much so that he has 2 training montages in Rocky IV and a bonus driving montage.

Ergo, the fate of Apollo in Rocky IV is inevitable.

I was never one to hold grudges. My father held grudges, I'll always hate him for that


They made Apollo look like a Ham before the fight

Darkness lies an inch ahead


I thought Apollo might've been depressed, maybe even suicidal by the time Rocky 4 rolled in- something maybe he didn't admit to anybody and not even to himself. No matter the money and all that he's accrued he's still a fighter, and a fighter out of the ring is a nobody in his mind. He's lost his purpose and I think that's what set him spiralling to his demise.

