MovieChat Forums > Rocky IV (1985) Discussion > The main thing that bugs me: Rocky's fig...

The main thing that bugs me: Rocky's fighting style

I would have preferred a proper fusion of Rocky's old techniques ("Southpaw") and Apollo's. In other words, letting Drago come to him and using defense correctly while still trading blows when possible.

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It probably wouldn't have worked. Drago was a superb amaeteur boxer and champion. The reason he could use Apollo's boxer-puncher technique against Clubber was that Clubber was just a brawler. Drago wasn't. He could box very well and punch extremely hard. It was very difficult for Rocky to get past that long jab he had, since he fought so tall. Rocky also knew that he had to come forward, get inside and break him down. He wasn't able to match him talent wise and skill wise, not to mention just overall being so much smaller.


Are you trying to rationalize the boxing scenes of Rocky series here? Really? Rocky's so-called boxing in this series has mainly consisted of running at opponents with hands down trying to get punched in the face as much as possible. It's ridiculous. For me, the lack of any sort of realism in the boxing scenes has ruined this otherwise pretty good franchise. It was ok when I was watching these flicks for the first time when I was 10 years old, but now I just can't get past it.


He tried literally everything in the beginning and nothing worked. When he finally figured out what did, he went with it.


Rocky's fighting style was wearing out his opponents' fists with his face.



I have no problem with that either - only thing is, it's a shame they never managed to incorporate his preparation for that into the training montage.

e.g. it would have been excellent to see Paulie and Adrian upstairs in that barn tossing say watermelons down onto Rocky's head. Would have fitted in beautifully with that DIY training thing they were going for...

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