Compared to the other movies, NOTHING happens in 4. Apollo fights Drago and dies. Rocky goes to Russia, trains, fights Drago and wins. End. Two things happen in this movie.
Nothing happens?! Are you kidding me?
1. Rocky beats Lang
2. Rocky becomes a millionaire.
3. Pauly is introduced to the most iconic character in the series.
4. Apollo teaches young would-be boxers how to conduct a proper fight press conference that has since been mimicked for generations.
5. Pauly finds true love thanks to a lil voice setting modification.
6. James Browns tells us where he lives.
7. Apollo fights Drago and dies.
8. Rocky gives one of the most heart felt eulogies in movie history. Not a dry eye in the house.
- music video -
9. Rocky gives us a scenic tour of the hidden jewel of Russia, Siberia, Wyoming.
- music video -
10. Rocky scales a mountain.
11. Rocky chops down a tree. Not in that order
- epic training montage -
12. An epic chess match between the United States of America and a commie. They could have ended the movie right there and people would have been satisfied.
13. Rocky fights Drago and wins.
14. Rocky changes the disposition of the Russia premier.
15. Rocky ends the cold war.
16. Rocky knocks down the Berlin War.
17. Rocky alters reality so that when he return from Russia, his child ages by almost ten years.
Nothing happens? Literally EvERYTHING Happens!