possible plot hole?

If Drago could kill Apollo, and Rocky could beat Drago, doesn't that mean Rocky would've for sure killed Apollo as well, when they sparred at the beginning of the film?


That's like saying: A cobra can kill an elephant, and a mongoose can kill a cobra, so a mongoose can surely kill an elephant.

"I'm the dude, playing a dude that's disguised as another dude".


No. In reality, Rocky would've died pretty damn fast too. Anyone would. During Drago/Rocky's montage, they show Drago's punching power increase to an average of 2150lbs. He's literally hitting you with a ton of force behind it. A human skull can only take so much punishment, and Rocky isn't known for...you know...blocking and dodging.

I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn't find enough goats.
