Richard O'Brien

Is he actually wearing lipstick in this? I detected a definite New Romantic influence on his look


What a total case of miscasting!! I never could understand why Richard O'Brien was given a role in this movie. Especially as an effeminate British officer with a high pitched voice! Did the British army actually have officers like this in the army? I doubt it. Lord Hampton would have been drummed out of the army real fast.

This is the best example of the one major fault with REVOLUTION (even though it's still a favorite movie of mine). Too many campy characters. Although the movie does tell a good story, Richard O'Brien's role is just too silly and unbelievable. The film would have been a lot better without him.

By the way, the early 80s was marked by lots of androgyny, mostly in music and arts. However, I don't think it belonged in a movie about the American War of Independence!!
