Since this has the star of Conan, the setting of Conan, the ass-whooping swordfights of Conan, why did the studio just not make Conan 3?
Maybe they would have treated the story with a little bit more respect. I think that a Conan 3 would have been infinitely preferable to this junk. Why did Arnold do this? Did he owe the mob money? I have long been a fan of Schwarzenegger, I even liked the Sixth Day and Collateral Damage, but what the hell is this? Give the public a Conan rip-off and they feel ripped off, but a real Conan movie would be damn cool.
For that matter does anyone know what happened to the planned Conan 3? I heard it was in the works along with True Lies 2 and T3, but only T3 got made. They pulled the plug on the other two even before he became governor, so what happened?
I know I am rambling incoherently.
God Bless!