MovieChat Forums > Red Sonja (1985) Discussion > Bad enough to be good?

Bad enough to be good?

I'm not so sure. The acting is atrocious and it pains me physically at times. The kid is fairly annoying and he says "ay-ah!" too many times. He should have died, I think. Also, I have discovered that if you change the language setting on your DVD to French (English subtitles optional), the movie is much better. The biggest let-down for me, though, is that Kalidor does not fight the spider in this movie. They show the spider in one scene (it purrs like a cat) and then it is never seen again. Kalidor definitely should have wrestled it or something. Maybe he and Sonja could've double-teamed it like they did with the metal dragon. Also, the spider should have been wearing sneakers.

Overall, I think this movie is bad enough to be terrible, but not awful enough to be crap.

Not complete crap, anyway.

"Nobody who makes pâté this good can be all bad."

"It's not fair!"
-- Anakin Skywalker


No, it is not bad enough to be good, to me, it was just plain and simple crap.

The fights, which should have been the movie's strong part, are horrible, I agree with you on the kid. And the story lacks any kind of suspense, surprise or the least point of chemistry between the characters.


This movie is freakin' awesome- because it's terrible. I think it's enjoyable to watch- the acting is dreadful- (what acting? it's just a chick swinging a broadsword and lopping off heads) and the plot was very much...erm...shall I say keiffed from a number of other fantasy novels I could ramble off...
But oh! the music! That music kept me and my step-sister rolling for hours! It was like Baroque-Classical mixed with old 40's movie- we just knew somewhere behind that music was some drunk composer, holding up his rum-toddy and exclaiming with glee: "Yes, this is my first time! Gooooo Red!!"

I liked it, i really did. What's better than some Celtic princess kickin' trash- annoying sid-kick prince-lings in tow? Oh, yes, and let's not forget the touching Prince-Tarn-comes-of-age-bit when they're trying to escape the castle!! yay!!


What spider are you talking about?Is there an uncut version?I never saw them fight any spider?Does it give sonja a hard time like wrapping her ,coccooning her,and her struggling in vain till kalidor frees her?If not,then shold have been so

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It's too bad she cant live but then again who does?
