MovieChat Forums > Red Sonja (1985) Discussion > i cant be bothered to watch this

i cant be bothered to watch this

is this a good film? because its one of the worst films of all time and im not so sure i'll like it. i didnt enjoy conan so why should i enjoy this.
can i get some help?
is there anyone who liked this film?


to be honest...if u didnt enjoy conan then u wouldnt like this...its alot worse and campier...but it makes for an entertaining sat. movie when u got nothing to do...i dont think its as bad as ppl said...i grew up with it so i dont mind it at all


I completely agree with bhawkdown_1, nothing to add...


I wasnt able to watch all of this movie. The backdrops and the sets were gorgeous, but from what I saw, only arnold knew how to act. The fights werent very good, and the acting was terrible. I watched about a half hour of the movie, and the best part was a glimpse of bridgette's nipples right at the beginning.

I might try and watch the rest one day with a group of friends and a 24pak of beer.


if you cant be bothered to watch it then why should i be bothered to give you a reason? lofl. go back/finish highschool and make a point to ask them to teach you how to ask a proper question. please.. youll be doing yourself a favor.
