So what's the deal??

So, on the back cocer of the DVD it says this movie came out in '84. But here at the site it says '85, and I checked the release dates and they all confirm '85 was the earliest this movie came out.
So anyone know hwat the deal is??? Did it come out in some festival the year before, that this site doens't know about or is it just a typo on the DVD box??


I think it was filmed in 84 but came out in 85.


Exactly, which was the same thing that always baffled me about sitcom television shows , starting in for example, 81' season and then 82' comes barging through, but their still on their first season.


yeah i was wondering about that too because even if it was filmed in 1984, the back date on the dvd is its release year not its filming or completion year. I'm not sure which one is mistaken. i'd trust the dvd case over imdb though.


I just watched this film last night, and the roman numerals at the end indicate 1985. If the majority of other literature also says 85, it seems the DVD case is a typo or simple mistake. No big matter though, is it?


I've always heard 1985 as the accepted date for this film. Oftentimes, Allen's films are released in limited distribution at the end of the year and do not go into wide release until early the following year. SWEET AND LOWDOWN, for instance, was released in December 1999 but didn't play in many theaters until early 2000. Same with HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, which was actually released in late 1985 but went wide in 1986 (most sources cite this as a 1986 film).

Some other examples of this: Mel Brooks' YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, released in late 1974 but sometimes misattributed as a 1975 release; Buster Keaton's THE GENERAL, released on Dec. 31 1926, often cited as a 1927 release; and George Stevens' SHANE, which was released at the very end of 1952 and is almost always cited as a 1953 release.


