Allen's masterpiece?

I've seen Annie Hall, Manhattan and few of his other reknown pieces, but this one was just unlike anything I've ever seen before. It was truly amazing.


I've seen every one of his films and I think this is his best work. I'm really puzzled by the low imdb rating.


I think it is his best movie, although I give Hannah and Her Sisters and Annie Hall pretty near equal ratings.


The lowest score group (although really just a handful of them) is females under 18 by a wide margin. That's funny because I first saw TPROC when I was 15 and was just blown away. It really changed the way I think about movies, and really raised the bar for me.
As for today's teenage girls... I'm guessing they heard Viggo Mortensen was in it, so they sat through it and got mad because they couldn't find him? I have no idea why else they would even watch it, especially if they weren't going to like it. Nowadays there is so much info out there, that you can usually tell if you're going to like a movie before you see it. I don't typically watch movies outside my genre, and if I do, I certainly don't downvote them on imdb because I didn't like them. Unless they are truly horrible.

As for everyone else... they just don't get it. Yes, I am a snob when it comes to movies.

"There's no such thing as an original sin."


It's my favourite Woody Allen films from the 20-odd I've seen. I too am puzzled by the low IMDB rating. Maybe people were disappointed by the ending. But isn't that precisely what the ending is meant to do?

I was also surprised it didn't make Empire's recent list of the 500 Greatest Movies. Woody was well represented with six films on the list, but no Purple Rose... No Buster Keaton either! But then these polls are meaningless, it's far more revealing to see what one person lists as their top 10.
