Top Film
I really like the protector, i think its underrated. Sure it has silly parts, but what film doesn't!
See this film!
As I said to Delores Montenegro in "Calling All Quakers", 'have it your way, baby'. Troy McClure
I really like the protector, i think its underrated. Sure it has silly parts, but what film doesn't!
See this film!
As I said to Delores Montenegro in "Calling All Quakers", 'have it your way, baby'. Troy McClure
got this on vhs! im on a big jc movie collection woohooo! i have millions!
i like the film! i didnt rly watch it as a jc movie but as one of those 80's american movies where the tough guy always wins!
the action was soooooo sloooooooooooooooooow! jackie mustve bin REALLY PISSED OFF!
lookin for the hk version of this!
what were those naked ppl thinking? ewww!
Jackie did have issues with the movie, such as his character's use of swearing and excessive force.
Here it is. 4 dollars.
"Work In Progress" Dolph Lundgren
The Punisher
The HK version is much better as it has a better story and an added suplot into the film. A lot of the fight scenes are redone in the Hong Kong style of fighting, rather than the Hollywood style. I think I have seen both and the HK version is more watchable.
I haven't seen the HK version, but after reading dozens of extremely negative reviews I was surprised to find that this movie actually far succeeded my low expectations. It's not a typical Jackie Chan film and I don't think he was right for the part, but otherwise it was a solid 80's action flick with good production values, well shot action scenes and a good pace.
shareI'm inclined to agree, it has some dodgy moments (the unnecessary naked women!), but all in all I have always quite enjoyed this movie. It's not a JC classic, but I'm one of those fans that loves almost everything JC does for one reason or another. If you can locate a copy of the Far East print of this movie it's very different and makes for an even more entertaining movie.
You forget all the things, you just do it!
Peeyu. I watched this one once and it was enough. Why go see a movie with Jackie Chan in it if it isn't a Jackie Chan movie?