anyone seen this movie?

the only reason i would watch this movie would be for johnny, but i've looked at many video stores and can't find it. is it realy worth watching if jd wasnt' in it?


If you like the raunchy 80's comedy genre, which happens to be quite the underrated film genre, then you will enjoy this film.


i wanna watch it cos of johnny depp but i can't find it any where!!! i can't download it, i don't want to buy it yet cos if it's crap then there is no point it will be a waste of money!!! do u know anywhere i can download it for free!!!


this is a classic movie here in brazil...


This movie is in the vein of American Pie before gross-out teenie movies became popular. If you like that kind of stuff, you will like this. I remember watching it a lot as a youngster. Used to have it on VHS. Not sure what happened to it since.

"Not in front of the Baba-rama-nana!" (or something like that)


This movie is great! I saw it on Comedy Central and bought it right away when it ended. It is funny and you get to see Johnny's bare backside!


it actually comes on tv? woah, that would be so cool...yea, this is one of johnny's hardest films to actually find I wish i could find it somewhere

"He's the answer to a teenage prayer"
Proud member of the J.D. Cult Est. 2003


why does it have such a low rating if everyone loves it, and if its a classic in australia why is the only like 300 votes for this with a average of 3.8?

Proud Member of Johnny Depp Cult est03


This movie was perdy good...i mean of course the only reason i saw it was because Johnny's in it!! and it was very nice to have seen his beautiful butt in it...the movie overall was so-so i thought, i mean probably the main reason that i'm not more ecstatic about it is because it was really more of a "guy" movie. Countless times the only shot was of topless women and hey that's great for u guys but i was upset there wasn't more of (pardon me) Johnny's johnny! anyways just my opinion...later


If your cable company is Comcast, it is currently a free movie in On Demand...


It totally blows that when they DID show it on Comedy Central- they cut his beautiful bum out!! C'mon- it's COMEDY CENTRAL for chrissakes. With all the stuff they get away with, you think they'd show it.

"Now where was I..." *falls asleep*
~*Mort Rainey - Secret Window*~


For those of you who have not seen this movie (I haven't yet) or would like to see it again it's coming on Comedy Central Monday, April the 19th at 7:00AM central time. I can't wait!

You're not paranoid, dear. People really are out to get you.


I just watched it on Comedy Central. It was okay. A lot of stuff was edited out, right? I'm kinda upset I got up at 8:00 a.m just to watch that though heehee.


they showed it again on comedy central this morning, and i also got up at 8 am to watch it. but hell, its johnny! id probably get up at 5 to watch a movie of his. or id set up a tape.

wat do u get when u cross a mongoose and a coconut?


even if the movie sux i would watch it just to see johnny's butt! :D



I've been looking everywhere for this movie! there is not a blockbuster in town that doesnt atleast have it for rent. anyone have any ideas?

~~Pirate for Life~~


This movie isn't worth finding it should be buried. I saw it on tv and they ripped off every 80s comedy! It was a horrifying experience.


does anybody have any idea if/when it will be coming on comedy central again. i may not be so dedicated to get up at 7AM but i would definitely tape it.


This Movie Rocks, I had a VHS copy, back in the 80s, I've seen it at least 50 times. I just cant understand the IMDB ratings on this one. I gave it a 9, and i am proud. It is a very good comedy...


It's not a crap movie. I bought it and it was worth every penny. Plus Johnny gets his kit off so I'd pay to see that any day :o)


if this movie didnt have Johnny Depp would all these horny Johnny fangirls be talking about it? I think not


It just came on Friday night on Encore a movie channel. I thought the movie would be crap, but it was really really funny lol. I'm glad I taped it.

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~


It's an alright movie. At this point the only reason I wanna see it is cause Leslie Easterbrook gets nekkid in it. But I remember the first time I saw it when I was a kid, it had a friend and me cracking up quite a bit.


I really wanted to see this movie (for Johnny), so I actually ended up having to buy it off of e-bay. It's pretty campy, but there are some funny parts. There are also a few nice shots of Johnny's ass...


I used to have a vhs of it that a friend taped off cable. I heard its coming out on dvd soon.


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