MovieChat Forums > Private Resort (1985) Discussion > BaBaBaBaBaDooWaDoooWa Song???

BaBaBaBaBaDooWaDoooWa Song???

What's the name of the song and who sings the song where Johnny and Rob is being chased by Reeves and the count??? Lyrics: BaBaBaBaBa - DooWaDooWaDooWaDooooWa???


Have you checked the credits in the movie because usually they will show the music that they used in the movie and it should tell you that way. I just thought that I would mention that to you and suggest it as well.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Isn't it "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen?


I am not sure to be honest with you.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I think it was basically a cheap knock-off of "Surfin' Bird" done by the composer for the film and basically used it as the theme song for "Private Resort". I remember actually a few lower budget films and pornos even in the eighties off the top of my head that used to do this tactic. Dunno if it was more lax about stuff like this back then.
