I happen to think this might be the greatest character ever conceived in movie history. Dalton(Road House), Matrix(commando) and John Rambo have nothing on this guy. Bunky? Bunky how many times do I have to tell you? The litter box, the litter box. One his many classic lines. Tell me some of your favorite characters.
A lot of the characters were great: Jones, Tackleberry, Kirkland, Hooks, Hightower, Fackler, and especially Mahoney (he will always be my favorite character because he always had a few tricks up his sleeve, which made us laugh). I also do like Proctor in a way because, like Mauser said, he doesn't play with a full deck, which made him funny. Vinnie was an awesome character I think because of his bad personal hygiene (which made him unique), but at the same time he was that loyal person who stood by Mahoney when Mauser suspended him. Gang leader Zed was an amazing character as well because even though he was tough, he still had manners ("You don't think Fackle, you ask.") and etiquette.
Vinnie: "Hey look at this. A Nestle Crunch bar, hardly ever been touched! Oh no wonder, it's got ants all over it (brushes and blows the ants off the bar).
Mahoney: "Vinny you're not gonna eat that are you?"
Vinnie: "Well, you wanna split it?"
Mahoney: "No."
Vinnie: "Ok." (takes a bite)
I believe his last name was something like Shtoolman. I know that's not the correct spelling but that's how it sounds.