I remember back in the day I would see this on The USA Network when they had a show called USA UP ALL NIGHT! It was awesome to see some great cheesiness on the weekends!
They do not do that now on any station anymore. I loved the B movies, cult classics, horror movies, and a few mainstream movies that USA UP ALL NIGHT would show on the weekends.
The hosts were great to watch! On Friday nights it was Rhonda Shear and on Saturday nights it was Gilbert Gottfried. This brings back the great memories of the good old days.
OMG! I remember Up All Night! And on ABC, Sunday's Tylenol Theatre? And around Halloween and whatnot, The Monster Mash Movie Marathons!
They need to bring those back! I miss that stuff. A lot of my favorite movies are because of those weekend marathons. It's cliche, but they just don't make 'em like they used to.
Oh my gosh! I used to love that show! They showed some of the cheesiest movies but I loved it! It was definitely stuff you wouldn't find anywhere else. I wish they had more shows like that now.
I know exactly what you mean bruja88! That is why I watched USA UP ALL NIGHT because they would show movies that they normally would not show on cable TV at all!
I think when TBS and TNT started to change their programming that is more than likely why USA UP ALL NIGHT was removed to keep up with TNT and TBS. Also you have to remember is that NBC bought out the USA Network atering it to the current programming now.
I own some of the movies but it is just not the same without seeing Rhonda Shear and Gilbert Gottfried hosting the show you know. This was great stuff to watch and I want it back as well!
I can't even remember a lot of the movies that they showed. I just remember how cheesy they were and most of them were sex comedies. One in particular that I remember was called Girlfriend From Hell. I thought that was hilarious! What movies do you have?
There are so many movies that I can remember but others that I cannot remmber though as well. I led the cheesy sex comedies I hate to say it but I am sure you are more than likely saying I am a typical guy though! LOL I use to own a VHS copy of Girlfriend From Hell but my parents I thik threw it out when I lived with them while I was in college and lived with them.
I own Nightmare Sisters, Sorority Babes In The Slime Bowl O Rama, Fraternity Demon, Attack Of The 60 Foot Centerfold, Hobgoblins, Witch Academy, The Evil Dead, Slumber Party Massacre, Sex And The Single Alien, and I may have a few more that I would have to go through my movie collection to see about but those are the ones that I can think of off hand.
Those are the movies that I have and I could have a few more. I liked Girlfriend From Hell but I would have made the main actress topless when she would drain the souls of the men she had sex with to some what get guys attention you know.
That is my opinion but more than likely women may not like that at all. LOL
I used to LOVE USA Up All Night!!! I was really young when it was out, but my older sister and I would spend the weekends at my grandma's house, and she would go to bed at like 10pm. So we would stay up and watch the scary movies, then my grandma would come in the living room to tell us to go to bed, and we'd hide under the covers like we were asleep.(LMAO)
Hey that is great to hear about your story Joy! LOL USA UP ALL NIGHT was great to watch an assortment of movies because they would show a little of everything including horror movies that are classics! Right now the petition is at 10,625 signatures! That is a lot and it is still growing!
I have emailed USA Network several times already including other fans as well to let them know that we want to see it back on again on the weekends! Plus, I have also been in contact with Rhonda Shear as well! She would love to see USA UP ALL NIGHT back on again as well!
If you go to Youtube you will see her, her husband,and friends doing a reality show called PANTY RAID! She has been working with a producer. I thought that I would let you know about it!
Hey Rob, that's great that you're keeping up with Rhonda. She was so funny! But I don't think people would appreciate USA up all night nowadays like we did when it first aired. And since TV stations are so ratings and money hungry they'd never put it back on the air in the place of repetitive infomercials. Ugh, I hate that!