This Film Is 80s-tastic!

Ok this film may not be as good as the original in terms of "80s horror" but it's certainly the winner in terms of just being an "80s classic".

Especially love the idiot dad - buying the house on the cheap, proclaiming there's nothing wrong with it despite sitting in a pool of his own sweat due to the heat AFTER seeing the exploding bird! πŸ˜‚ One of the best clueless horror film parents ever...

This film's stock can only rise in future due to it's drenched in the 80s visual appeal (i.e. "if you like Stranger Things then love this!").


I feel like getting the series on blu ray.


You should if you feel like it. Life is short


Yea, the 80s feel like they had the " loudest" fashion, followed closely by the early 90s. Makes 80s flick fun to watch
