Did anybody see this in theaters?

i was born the same month the original movie came so i'm curious. What is it like to be a fan of the original movie and can't wait to go see the new sequel and you are kindly treated to Jesse Jesse:a young man's exotic journey from milan to minsk? Were you disapointed and how did it affect your attitude when you heard part 3 was coming out?


someone's been watching Seinfeld, I see :)
I actually didn't see it in theatres, but am old enough that I remember when it was a fairly new movie. I actually liked it then, I was still a kid though, and didn't really get it, I just know it scared me like hell...


I also kind of remember when it was new.

This is probably the earliest theatrical TV spot I recollect seeing. I was 3 years old.


No, I unfortunately wasn't born until 8 years after this movie was released but if I was alive I would be in the theaters without a doubt.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


I did - right when it came out. I was 15. We were pretty lit up, and I really liked the movie. I hadn't yet seen the first one though, which of course turned out to be much better.

But because it was my first to see and under all those cool conditions, I still enjoy this one.


I saw this in the movies with a friend of mine and we both really liked it but my friend really loved it. I found out a few years later that he was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that .

By the way it was a really fun movie to see in a sold out theater


I saw this one. I was 13 at the time, and I had already seen the 1st one. Grady was the reason I went to see it, having seen him earlier in the year in Weird Science.


I was eight years old when this came out in 85 but I remember a lot of the older boys who lived in my neighbourhood talking non-stop about it. One of the 15 year old would always come over to help my dad and he kept talking about it. My parents asked me if I wanted to see it but said not really. However, I remember Cinema 4 being packed when this was on at Cleveland Mall in Shelby.



Myself and my girlfriend, (later my wife) seen it at South expressway drive in, Forest Park, GA. in the fall of 1985. It is the only nightmare on elm street I ever seen at a theater. BTW, six months later the drive in was closed. It was the last movie I have ever seen at a drive in theater. We thought the movie was great though.
