"You've got the body, I' ve got the brain"!


I love this movie hahaha.

'How do you like that dad?"

You tell em Jess, you tell em.

I will say these things:
*the score is creepy strange, like dolphins raping eachother.
*Freddy was a mean sob and the make up was perfect.
*Freddy bursting out of Jesse and murdering Grady was disturbing. That look he gave Grady? Holy hell!
*The pool massacre was hilarious fun. Crowds of people running stupidly in panic always makes me laugh. When that blonde dude in shorts literally runs into Freddy's glove hahaha wtf?
"The "we wanna help you guy" deserved his fate. What did he honestly expect? Arrogance much lol.
*Lisa was a strange girl, all that devotion? For Jesse?
*I usually find guys in briefs hot...not here. Simmer it back.

That is all.

"Well hot damn." -L. W.


Let's make lots of money
