ANOES 2: A New Theory about Freddy
Two weeks ago, they aired ANOES2 on primetime. Each Monday, they are airing an ANOES movie, it's a recap marathon. How cool!
I must say that Mark's acting performance is 100% fantastic and outstanding. Jesse is now my third fave character in the saga, right after Alice and Nancy.
By the way, I think Freddy truly looks, feels and sounds very different in this movie. His powers are radically different, as you already know: he can affect reality in a much greater way. My theories about Jesse being superpowered "by default" (telekinesis and telepathy) or being a Dream Warrior don't work so much. I don't like them anymore.
Thus I've elaborated a new, interesting theory about this --- just a theory as always. This is now my personal canon about ANOES2:
Prior to the events depicted in the ANOES2 movie, Freddy had temporarily merged with a demonic essence known as "The Heat Entity". A demonic spirit from the Hell or an alternate limbo, travelling through various dimensional planes. This drastically affected Freddy's personality, appearance (facial make-up) and dream powers, to the point Freddy/Heat Entity could alter the surrounding reality to a certain degree.
The Hybrid Freddy picked up Jesse as human vessel to instill fear, death and even break the dream boundaries in a permanent way.
It didn't work, and I assume the events of ANOES2 led "The Heat Entity" to dissociate from its host, Freddy, leaving him weak and defeated.
The very ending of the movie - the final ride on the bus, set in the Dreamworld - marks the return of the former Freddy Krueger "dream avatar/spirit".
Do you like this idea? I think it's perfect. - The BEST Evil Dead Timeline in history.