Snyder naked in shower
Is there something wrong with me that it absolutely turns me on the way he's hanging by the ropes naked in the shower?
shareIs there something wrong with me that it absolutely turns me on the way he's hanging by the ropes naked in the shower?
I"m female all the way.
You cant make an omelette without breaking a few legs-Ziva David
With a name like Obessedwithncsi you are obviously female or a very sad little man
shareI don't think there's anything wrong with you. I wouldn't call him gorgeous but he's not a bad looking man either. It's just his awful personality which ruins him.
shareI don't think he deserved that terrible fate. He may have acted somewhat mean but I think he meant well with the students. Also I can see why some women would find him attractive. He is a pretty strong muscular guy. Also I liked the actor as the bad guy in the movie Twins.