Stupid stupid stupid movie kids!
They ruined so many movies in the 80s... Indy 2, Return of the Jedi (Ewoks are the same as kids) and this one.
Stupid movie kids!
They ruined so many movies in the 80s... Indy 2, Return of the Jedi (Ewoks are the same as kids) and this one.
Stupid movie kids!
I liked it. It is a crazy movie, in a good way.
shareYou're correct. Kids and Ewoks singing that stupid Ewok song ruin movies. Mercifully, the Ewok song seems to have been removed in the "improved" ver of Return of the Jedi
shareahhhh, the internets pathological hatred of children. Gotta love sociopaths.
shareThere's nothing sociopath by thinking this movie turns a silly bore after the kids enter the show: bad acting, bad dialogue, uninteresting events, dumb humour. Only the first 40 minutes can hold everyone's interest.
shareYou people are so blinded by your hatred of kids in your precious R-Rated manly-men film you utterly FAIL to even see how thematically resonant their presence is not only in the third film, but in the trilogy as a whole.
You have to be a grade-A retard to think that people hating kids who ruin movies = SOCIOPATHS.
It's like when kids learn new words. Herp derp sociopatherp.
I agree wholeheartedly. The 40-minute cutoff is spot on. After introducing that lame-ass, irritating tribe the whole movie just turned into Hook.
Kids shouldn't be in movies, period.
I think the young tribe in this is handled very well. Nothing like that godawful Spielberg directed turd, Hook.
He was also guilty for the annoying and ridiculous Short Round in Temple of Doom
Was it a millionaire who said "Imagine no possessions"?
Kids almost always create the problem in films where they are prominent. It's inevitable. It's almost always an accident or inadvertent, but it still happens. They also almost always do the exact opposite of what they are told, which causes the problem.
Kids aren't known for forward thinking, ya know. LOL. I did some pretty stupid things as a kid, as we all did.
The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?
Yeah, I hope that b**ch knew she was the one killing that kid being swallowed by the desert, because SHE wouldn't listen to reason...I hope she became suicidal and killed herself so no other innocent people got killed because of her lame @$$ stupidity. Way to go!!!
shareI don't remember that particular scene as it's been quite some time since I've seen this film, so it's hard for me to know if you really blame her or are being sarcastic. I truly don't know. LOL.
As I said in a lower post, The Purge is a perfect example. I just watched it again over the weekend and thought the same thing as before. Way to go kid! Your father is dead and the rest of your family was nearly killed...all because of you.
But again, I did stupid things as a kid, too, though not that stupid.
"Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too."
A perfect example which I am watching now..."The Purge". Thanks son, it's your fault!
The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?
Where would this movie had gone after the encounter in Thunderdome, and Max riding off backwards on that poor horse into the desert? The kids and their "Eden" was definitely needed, and Max was destined to be found by them and hence, a dead city of Syndney has a chance to be revived; from the blood and guts of Bartertown, to the hopeful attitude of a New Sydney and its young residents.
shareI agree that the hopeful, positive, "rise from the ashes" ending is one of the best things about this movie.
The real problem with the kids is that it's too hard to believe that after surviving a nuclear war AND a plane crash they have no problems with feeding, clothing, organizing, and taking care of themselves to say nothing of building their elaborate living arrangements without the help of any adults. "Kids can do just fine without grown-ups" is both a movie and literature cliche that doesn't really hold water. For an example, look at what's going on in real-world Africa with all the HIV/AIDS orphans.
She puts on the film of him: King is white and in the crowd...
Where would the movie have gone? It could have gone anywhere. It's a movie. The "kids and their Eden" weren't "needed", that's just they way they decided to go.
I liked Thunderdome OK, probably because I saw it when I was a kid, but it definitely is the worst MM movie and for the second half doesn't often feel like a MM movie.
It really feels like a kids/family movie that they shoehorned Max into in the second half.
I didn't realize until rewatching it recently that Miller only directed the action parts. Maybe that's why the rest of the movie is so all over the place?
True but the kids aren't the only problem with the movie.
George Miller's heart just wasn't in it after losing Byron Kennedy. Also, even before the kids turn up the tone and look of the movie is way more mainstream than the previous movies, you can see it's trying to be more Hollywood.
The violence is too tame and cartoonish, and Max himself is too watered down.
The kids were only one of the things wrong with it.
Bastard! You probably hate Sam Walden and solar panels too.
In time kids become adults:
It's impossible to ruin a piece of pretentious, boring crap, but by the time the kids and their quaint dialog enter I've always thought a few more atomic blasts were long overdue. That prose is 1000 nails on 100 chalkboards.
I watched it tonight and had to check if any other "haters" posted about how dated MM3 is in 2015. Makes Aliens look frocking fantastic (even the 23 hour "director's cut").
"I write Stargate fan fiction so I think I know what I'm talking about..."