The Kids
Call me crazy but I didn't mind the kids that much. Yes, their appearance halfway through the film does end up making this more of a watered down, Disney feeling, convoluted plot. But it's not horrible. Most of the kids do a decent job and they don't really pull any punches just because they're kids (with at least one of the children getting killed in the sand holes). Is it great? No, I give it about a 6-7. But it was intriguing and at some points compelling.
I liked the part where they tell Max the story. I really liked Max's reaction, which was to just get up and start walking away. I appreciate his reluctance and the fact that he eventually did get involved. The action leading up to the car/train chase at the end is a bit cartoonish in comparison to the fight in the Thunderdome in the first half.
As another poster said, it's like 2 different movies stuck together.
Not a bad film, but not as good as it could have been either. Will be very interesting to see all 3 films and then lead into Fury Road when that comes out (as opposed to having just seen Fury Road, then watched the first 3 at home).
I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.