MovieChat Forums > Legend (1986) Discussion > There's something subliminally disturbin...

There's something subliminally disturbing about this movie

Not so much because of the "darkness" of the "dark" scenes; the "dark" scenes are merely well made (Tim Curry and all...) and that's all very fine; but the "idyllic" scenes in particular have got something rather disturbing going on beneath the surface and I can't even explain what it is; I guess it's got something to do with the obvious artificialness of the settings combined with this particular music... To me personally this is not at all a "comfort film" (I refer to someone else's topic here) and considering it's made by the same director who did "Alien" and "Blade Runner" that thought doesn't even seem so far-fetched to me...


yes you are right I watched this movie many years ago. the atmosphere in the movie though eerie there is something atmospheric about it and it has stayed with me in a dreary way ever since I watched it way back in 86. I have watched it again since then and watching it right now and enjoying it.


I totally agree. I think it also has to do with seeing Blix creeping through the forest in the opening scene, we are shown straight away something unwholesome is encroaching on this world. The woodland sprites also seem sinister. And the glitter adds a false "fairy glamour" that seems artificial. The whale noises are also creepy.


I got the feeling that nature was very much alive, powerful and indifferent to the characters.


Ridley did lose his brother around the time Blade Runner went into pre-production, maybe he subliminally put a lot of his depression into the picture?


I felt bad for the couple being ripped apart and Lily being in mourning for ruining the world but never saw it as a drama.
