MovieChat Forums > Joey (1985) Discussion > Anyone else remembered this movie as a k...

Anyone else remembered this movie as a kid?

I thought this movie was the most terrifying movie i've seen when i was 5, the dummy was probably the stuff of nightmares.

I did bought the DVD two years ago and enjoyed it in both the American and German versions, i think the German version is way better with a better music score.

"Questions, Questions, too many questions, you want a shard, Here!'- Aughra, The Dark Crystal.


What's even better, John, is that they are making a series based off of it starring Matt Leblanc, the guy from Friends!!!

I don't think, therefore I am not.


yeah I remember this movie, I bought it a few years ago on VHS since DVDs weren't out yet. I like the music in the movie, at the begining after it shows Joey's father's funeral the begining credits. when you hear that kind of music before the movie starts you be sure its a fantasy movie and the music at the end is great to when Joey wakes up when everyone thought he was dead. Fletcher the dummy was cool but his voice was scary. you would just hope Joey would do something to get the dummy back for all of the bad things he does to him.


Yes I remember it but not specifics. Only about the dummy and his single eyepiece. He does have an eyepiece doesn't he? I hope so because I just ordered it online.It was one of the scariest things I have ever seen. I had to hold a pillow over my eyes sometimes.The only other time I was that scared when I was that little was when I watched this one Tales of the Darkside volume 5 called the Closet. For being as old as it was it had great effects/costume.If you want to get a laugh or just get the hebegebes you ought to try and find it.


Sorry, I have to disagree about the music in the German version. The music was too overpowering and sounded tinny. Also, it would appear that the German version was originally filmed in English and dubbed into German. I don't understand why the English soundtrack to the so-called "German" version is unavailable. I did enjoy seeing the scenes that were deleted from the U.S. version and I find it strange that they were not included.


I, on the other hand, have to disagree about the US-soundtrack. For my taste it was too pompous. They probably made it becuase the US movie goers wouldn't have understand the German musical version - as your reply proves. The German soundtrack is just great and outlines what Emmerich wanted to tell with his movie.
BTW, it is not a "so called" German movie - it is a German movie. Director, producer, actually the entire crew and most of the locations were German except for most of the actors. Beats me why they didn't take German actors but I think (in case of the kid actors) they took American kids since the labor laws for children aren't so strict like in Germany. Most German child actors can barely participate in one movie per year due to the restrictions. Furthermore, the German voice for Joshua is way better than like what he presented in the movie. It's hard to believe that he was the best choice out of 1200 auditioned children.


I am trying to recall this movie as I am sure I saw it.

I remember a movie that my aunt & uncle took us to at a drive in theater.

In the movie the kid woke up and he had blood all over him.

It freaked me out. Is this it?



ambersky, I think the movie you're thinking of is Xtro.


saw this movie recently on german television. even though I'm an adult, I liked this movie.

the german version is better than the english/american version. the english version is missing some scenes (that help a little to understand the things going on) and the end is not as good as in the german version.

I own this movie on dvd (the german dvd release). the quality of the german version is perfect. the english version is poor.


I saw it (probably in USA version) a lot of years ago on a local italian Tv... soon after, when director Emmerich became famous for "Independence Day" it was replied on a major channel. I remember well only the animated toys ! Sigh!
Anyway... the kid die at the end ?


The dummy still is a bit scary even now, when watching it as an adult (dummies and clowns should be banned)!

I remember bits of it from childhood and managed to get a DVD copy but was disappointed to find it wasn't as good as I remember. It didn't give me the same nostalgic fuzzy feeling that 'DARYL' and 'Flight of the Navigator' gave me.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G



I remember watching this a ton of times when I was a kid, but when I was trying to recently remember what the movie was, the internet kept on saying it was the movie with Anthony Hopkins. I mostly remembered the showdown with the dummy at the end and the doors with the slats that look like window blinds. I just finally found both versions and I plan to check them out for the first time in 20 years.
