Driving Me Crazy

i saw this movie when i was really young

and remembered that there was a dummy and a giant burger
but i didn't know what movie it was

it was driving me crazy

then i posted on the I Need To Know forum and someone found out what movie i was talking about

i just hope i don't forget it again


I found out about the name of this film just today. I've been looking for it for 15 years and nobody I know knew about it. I put it on my Wish List on my DVD Aficiando page. I hope to get this soon.

Tuco: "See you soon, id..." "id..." "ids..."
Man With No Name: "Idiots". It's for you.


How funny. I couldn't remember the name of the movie either, but i distinctly remembered a hamburger monster. How bazaar.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**


This movie had a serious impact on me when I was a child. It scared the *beep* out of me but at the same time it was very beautiful. Now I'm 25 and I had this irresistable urge to get this movie. It was hard to find but i finally got it. There is something very magical about this movie. And it has a superb soundtrack!!


Same here! i have been searching for the title of this movie for 12 years!! No lie. This was the last of 3 movies I was dying to locate/learn the names of that i watched as a kid. the other 2 were Time Bandits and Terror Vision. haha I had to post, I was that excited. All i remembered was a kid and an evil dummy he finds in a shed. Well, glad to see Im not the only one. Cheers-




This is that movie Sarbear82 and you can watch it on youtube with both US altered dubbed version and uncut extended german version in subtitles with superior music score.

"There was no way i'm walking around this place with my dork hanging out"-Heavy Metal.


the music from the german version actually inspired my own music.
have a listen:
Relax! - www.bryanel.com
