Really different movie
I have a soft spot for this movie, as it happened to be on when I was suffering from the seasonal 'winter darkness depression', and was starting to feel desperate. This movie cheered me up and made me see there's light at the end of the tunnel, some day summer will come.
You always get the most out of any movie, when you have no idea what it's about. It was not at the exact beginning, but at the point when Ed was just struggling with insomnia without realizing.. well, spoilers, but you all know what I mean.
I figured it's something boring, but Jeff Goldblum's great performance started to interest me and then kept me glued to the screen until the very end.
That's the one thing that really saves this movie from falling into a corny category if ridiculous cartoon. Michelle does a fine job, but her face isn't anything unique - she looks like a 'typical glitter beauty with no personality', and her acting isn't phenomenal, either. It's like both she and her character trust her physical assets too much, so neither bothers to express anything much beyond the usual.
I didn't really buy the romance between a cold-hearted golddigger and a nerdy, insecure simp with health problems. However, Jeff's performance and screen charisma are so great, you begin imagining things that aren't even in the movie. He plays a sleepy insomniac that just can't muster enough strength to care about stuff, that's then surprised by the weird circumstancers so much he's forced to care so well, I couldn't imagine anyone else in this role.
This movie is very different from the usual movies of this type, as it feels realistic at times, surreal during others, heartwarming and funny, but yet the threat seems believable, despite the cartoonish villains.
But mostly it's because your brain knows this is not a masterpiece of writing brilliance, and makes you groan a lot - and yet the rest of you just likes it so much, you can't help having a soft spot for it, that prevents you from being harsh in your criticism. It's like a schizophrenic experience, you want to hate and love this movie at the same time.
Usually it's easy to just do either, but this kind of defies explanation.. there's something about this movie - a charm, a feel, an atmosphere.. and of course completely excellent soundtrack, that just uplifts it above 'silly' that your brain wants to categorize it as. I can see why anyone would hate this movie, and I can also see why anyone would love this movie.
Such a different experience... it's odd that they throw in so much frontal nudity to a movie like this.
Who cares about Michelle Pfeiffer's nudity when the gorgeous boat blonde shows such great assets and in a much easier-to-observe form as well..?
It's a brilliant move, as it creates genuine anger amongst anyone capable of appreciating such beauty of female form - you start hating the villains tenfold the second they interrupt this erotic display of sensual feminine loveliness.
All in all, a strange movie, strange experience, that everyone should go through at least once in their life. You may end up loving it, hating it, or both..