I saw it the first weekend it came out -- and loved it -- but it seems to have gained speed as a video/cable item over the years.
It proves that John Landis was a key reason why "Animal House" was so funny -- he really knows how to time his jokes and keep the story moving, and how to involve us with the characters and their "mission." Jeff Goldblum was starting his brief "star period" and he's a perfect tall and deadpan match to the pitiful, untrustworthy, but beautiful Pfeiffer. They make a nice couple...if they can make it there.
As noted elsewhere on the boards, "Into the Night" was then, and is now a "perfect time capsule" of a certain part of LA(Westside) in a certain era(80's.). I lived there for a time and the perfect example of that "scene," is the scene at "Ships" restaurant, late night, with pie. Except the waitress is too nice -- its film director Amy Heckerling. "Ships" waitresses were older and tough cookies as I recall them.
The BB King music bookends the film wonderfully(the title tune at the beginning, "The Midnight Hour" at the soulful end), and the techno-stuff music in the movie proper has a bit of the "Beverly Hills Cop" 80's thing.