-If they would have simply called the Howling sequal.HOWLING II:SHE-WOLF instead of your sister is a werewolf or Stirba Werewolf bitch
-I think if they had acknowledged Karen Whites husband Bill Neal's death and had his funeral along side her's,and then having his demise alongside Karens at the Mausoleum
-Refered to Stirba as the Werewolf Witch
-Had better werewolf make-up especially with Mariana's wolf-transformation in the warehouse.
-Got rid of the severed knife weilding hand and the flying demon plot-line .(Father Florin could have been seduced then killed by Stirba).
-Explained what had happened to Karens friend Chris Howard who shot her.(It could have easily been explained by saying he was shot and killed during the struggle when the Tv studio people tried to wrestle him to the ground and get the rifle.Karens Boss Fred Francis could have also been accidentally shot and killed during the chaos that followed Karens on-screen shooting).This would have explained his absense at her funeral.
-Made Jenny Templeton Ben Whites Girl-friend/Fiancee instead of Karen's friend and all of a sudden co-worker.....then the movie would have flowed along even better.


One more thing if they would have also got rid of the weird blessed ear-plugs and Vasile popping eyes demon transformation(When Steffan removed the mask Vasile should have been a werewolf and Ben should have shot him with Silver Bullets before he plummeted out the window)



Yeah - but if you took all this stuff out it wouldn't be any fun.
Get a sense of humor, this is a truly great "bad" film.
It was intentionally made to be "bad", but unlike "Attack of the Killer Tomatos" which is really NOT funny this film is wildly entertaining.
It's the only film I've graced with the honor of a 1/10 rating.


The movie's title I believe was originally called: "Howling II: Its Not Over Yet" judging by the original trailer. I don't know why MGM renamed it "Your Sister is a Werewolf". Kind of generic if you ask me, at least thats better than "Stirba-Werewolf Bitch". BTW-I would not change a thing in this movie, I like it just the way it is.

Master card player? Resort casino owner?? or SS car enthusiast??? Make your best guess.
