I just turned myself into the proud owner of a DVD copy
I was feeling a little down this morning and while killing time at the DVD store I came across this underrated masterpiece, no more no less than ... you guessed it... "Howling 2 you´re sister is a werewolf bitch" (whatever), so i decided to pluck down almost full retail price for this little Palm D'or. Having liked the original Howling, and yet having read that this was an extremely so-bad-it's-good affair complete with werewolf orgies an endlessly disrobing Sybil Danning and cheap and ridiculous special effects... all this and Christopher Lee too! Well... I thought I was in the perfect mood for a little 80's bottom of the barrel cheesefest! Man I was wroooooooooonnnngggg!
I just finished watching it and let me tell you that all I can think right now is that these are 90 minutes of my life that ain't coming back ... and neither are my 13 bucks! Well, it turns out that the film not only has everything I mentioned above but it also turns out that it's also goddamn boring, the gore is actually quite ridiculous (when you can actually see it!), and it's filled with silly czheckoslovaquian folk dancing, the heroes have very brief sex while slightly clothed (See bottom of the frame) and the girl can't even fake the sound of an orgasm! By the time we reach the climax and Christopher Lee "battles" Sybil Danning, I couldn't care less and kept wishing the whole thing to get over.... maybe I was falling asleep or something because I couldn't tell who was winning the battle since the whole thing was so ridiculous.
Now... all I can say is, if you think all the things I wrote above are the type of "cult item" you want to own, then better know that all of what I mentioned sounds much better, written, than it looks onscreen. You even get to hear the same rock song all through the movie. You don't get to see a quarter of the amount of werewolf material you saw in the original... I should have paid attention to the fact that this film ranks among the bottom 100 in the imdb list...