MovieChat Forums > Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch (1986) Discussion > Why the bad reviews? I love this movie!

Why the bad reviews? I love this movie!

It totally kicks ass, I wish they would make more movies like it too.




I love the markdown bin!



I agree, this movie is much more fun than most of the movies coming out today. They may have higher production values, but simply aren't that interesting.





i love this movie, 3 and 5 are great too. i don't understand the bad reviews. its an entertaining campy movie.
i think its lame when ppl label it "so bad , its good" that gets thrown around too much in this day and age. troll 2 is king of that title and howling 2 is no comparison.


I don't really like the term "so bad it's good" either, but I can't think of many movies that deserve that title more than "Howling II". I know it was intentionally campy, and they obviously knew what kind of movie they were making, but it is lacking in so many areas that it's hard to defend. The poor special effects, the meandering script, the badly drawn characters, the lame acting, the irritating soundtrack, the lack of a decent climax..."Howling II" is maddeningly awful even if you take it as a spoof.


Gotta respectfully disagree with you, and agree with the OP. Yes the characters were lame and the acting was bad, but as you said it was all tongue in cheek. It reminded me of Night of the Demons 2, an equally hilarious-on-purpose sequel that people seem to not understand is silly on purpose.

But the reasons people hate this are why I like it: werewolves that look like giant killer ewoks, silly effects, awesome wolf orgy, titties everywhere, lesbianism galore, a midget having his eyes explode out his head and gush blood, etc...

If nothing else, the ending montage should win you over as a fan of this movie... although in the interest of full disclosure, this is my type of flick. I found the first insanely boring and terribly paced with no overall sense of it going somewhere for the whole movie.

But a tongue in cheek wolf movie with Lee in new wave glasses and a wolf orgy set to an 8os song? Now we're talkin... I know, i'll probably be hated for thinking this is better than the 1st, but oh well...

No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.-Tyler Durden


I want to love "Howling II", but it hurts too much. I love "bad movies" too, but while I enjoy movies that other people consider trash, I do believe it's possible to make a bad "bad" movie. I think it's cool that you enjoy the movie so much, and I can relate to your reasons why. I will have to enjoy it vicariously through you.


" I will have to enjoy it vicariously through you. "
-Hahaha, that got me laughin, well done.

I know exactly what you mean though, we've all been there. Some movie that you've heard is 'so bad it's good' turns out to just be bad to you. Oh well, different movies for different folks right... now did anyone hear anything about the Howling 2 remake yet? :-)

No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.-Tyler Durden


As a campy werewolf movie, it's not that bad, but as a "Howling" chapter, it falls flat. Let's face it, the partial transformations were truly awful compared to part one. I was wanting a well done serious sequel to the first film. What happened to Marcia Quist and the other surviving characters?

When I discovered I'd been cloned, I was simply beside myself.


Good campy trash... I love this movie.

If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you.



The movie is great, sure it's cheesy but it is a fun ride. I think the movie was designed for the psychedelic experience as the soundtrack was done by Steve Parsons and the film looks immense if you're in the right frame of mind.
