Only Titanum...
The werewolf being invincible to silver but vulnerable titanium is the worst plot twist ever. Just had to say it.
shareThe werewolf being invincible to silver but vulnerable titanium is the worst plot twist ever. Just had to say it.
Oh she is so screwed if she gets sucked into a jet engine or hit with a golf club.
shareThis was actually a very necessary tweeking of the tired werewolf rules. I personally appreciate it.
But in all honesty I had no clue wtf anyone was talking about in this movie anyway. I really didn't.
It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here
Actually in folklore, Werewolves WEREN'T invulnerable to anything but silver, but actually could be killed by any sort of weapon. It wasn't until the last two centuries that werewolves became vulnerable to nothing but silver. I did like the fact that titanium was used a weakness for a particular werewolf. It added to the mythology of The Howling series.
Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
It is just so incredibly stupid of the producers because it is just so outlandish. "What is a really rare metal that we can use in the story? TITANIUM!" They might as well have made it Adamantium and put Wolverine in the movie too. Plus the sadness of watching Christopher freaking Lee say that terrible dialog and that shot of him wearing the punk black glasses to "blend in" at the club is hysterical!
Ever hear of a ritual killing? (Uncle Buck)
It could be plausible within the realm of this particular movie, that didnt seem to bother me personally...
shareIt should also be pointed out that in this particular movie, silver does kill werewolves, but not of Stirba's line. In other words:
Silver= Works on most werewolves in Howling, but only knocks out Stirba's line of werewolves.
Titanium= Only metal that can kill Stirba's line of werewolves.
Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger