werewolf bitch???

Much better title than "your sister is a werewolf". Anyone agree?

Don't hunt what you can't kill!


I do.


stirba is a werewolf bitch was the original title on the video box duyring the 80's. They changed the title in the mid 90's for its release on DVD.


No they didn't. "Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf" was ALWAYS the film's title in North America because distributors objected to the word "Bitch" in the title. "Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch" was the title the film played is damn near everywhere else in the world. Unfortunately, I have never had the pleasure of seeing the "Stirba" versions, but it did feature a scene not found on the current DVD: after the couple says "Later" at the end of the movie, the camera pans down to show werewolves in a room down the hall.


If you'll notice, it has the actual "Howling" font, whereas the North American prints have a rather sloppily constructed title card.



Sweet, you're absolutely right. The lengthier ending was in TV prints on USA because I saw it there too!

The old VHS prints were murky as hell and cut up. They were... 87 minutes I believe (despite what it may have said on the back of the box). And like you mentioned, the movie ends in several different spots depending upon what version you see. On FOX back in the day, the version they ran cut to the end credits after "Which way to the airport?" and the version USA aired had that extended ending. So it was kind of a crapshoot.

I want to see if the "Stirba - Werewolf Bitch" version features the opening credits (not just the title) with a different font or not.


I like them both.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


seriously if i saw that as the title i would have not hesitate to get this movie lol

even thought your sister is a werewolf made me chuckle

Hey Laser Lips Yo Momma Was A Snow Blower - Johnny 5


In the trailer it's Howling II "Its not over yet!"


I like both titles. Werewolf Bitch is catchier but Your Sister works, too. Such a mess.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here



@Yithian_Spore, Ladies and Gentleman, we have a winner!!!!
