Long been a favorite of mine when I first saw it in the 80s. Could never understand why it never really got its due so to speak. Maybe it "spoke" to a smallish subset...Northeastern Catholics of a certain age, but it is very much a time-less classic imo.
Weird. I'm a black girl raised in an agnostic household and I absolutely love this movie. Obviously, I probably would've come up under different circumstances in the 80s so I get why I wouldn't have gotten it then, but I'm obsessed with pre-2000 boys catholic school movies. This is right behind Sleepers
An astoundingly excellent film. I only wish it could have been just a tad longer, but they did a great job within their time-limitations. Very few films bring me back to my Catholic education from 1956-1968 and the pre-and-post-Vatican II Church. I can always tell when "outsiders" try to capture the Catholic spirit and very few prove themselves capable of that. HHU, on the other hand, brought me straight back into the Catholic ambience. Ditto The Exorcist, author and screenwriter Catholic William Peter Blatty being a very inside insider...
It's a great film that definitely deserved more success and to be better known and loved. It was unsurprisingly a huge hit here in Ireland back in 1986 where it was released as "Catholic Boys" and actually played for the almost a full year in one of Dublin's major cinemas of that time.
I think this is the best teen movie of the '80s and yes, it is sadly forgotten while the flashier, shallower films of John Hughes and his ilk are still talked about.
Heaven Help Us (or Catholic Boys as it was always called in the UK) is funny, sweet, perceptive and beautifully acted. It will always be quite a special film for me.