MovieChat Forums > The Goonies (1985) Discussion > Anyone else got a thing for Steph?

Anyone else got a thing for Steph?

Yup, I'm gonna be that guy and say I prefer her over Andy. Andy to me strikes me as more beauty over brains. Steph, on the other hand, although she doesn't do much, is more intelligent, but really not at the sacrifice of looks. Maybe it isn't just me?


I would hit on her before Andy, too. Mostly because I like sarcasm. She is a very good match for Mouth :) Andy is just boring - and probably not even better looking, I think they toned down Steph on purpose with that haircut and glasses (it's also a bit unfair since Andy is basically wearing a cheerleader outfit the entire movie).


Andy was absolutely bland for me. Steph on the other hand was fun and cute.I must also admit that I am biased towards girls with short hair.But yeah, team Steph here as well.


The actress and wardrobe are great. There's all the makings of a great character there. But she is literally given nothing to do. She plays no part in finding the path, following the map, or avoiding the booby traps. It's one of the film's few shortcomings. She doesn't even seem to be the type of person who would be friends with Andy, meaning Stef seems more like a Goonie from frame one. Andy is leading cheer practice while Stef is head first in a bucket of crabs.


She's MUCH more interesting than Andy, maybe it's the wisecracks and sarcasm, but she isn't nasty with it and is as good as the boys at coping with situations in the film.


I would take Mikey's mom over both Andy and Steph!


^ 

When I was 11 (as I was when The Goonies came out), I would've taken Andy hands down. She's the fresh-faced girl next door. And that skirt...

But re-watching it yesterday it was Steph I was drawn to for the very reasons mentioned in the replies above.


I agree. I rewatched this classic as an adult and then realised just what a sexy milf Mrs Walsh is


Yes, I've always liked Stef. There's something about her nerdy look and snarky attitude that kinda makes her fun to watch... and even attractive in her own way.

I do prefer Andy though. While she complains for most of the movie, some of that complaining (the part where she suffers a breakdown, for example) is funny and oddly charming. And she does have her other genuinely good moments (the organ playing, mistakenly kissing Mikey, trying to have some fun with Brand until she realizes the Fratelli's are there). Oh, and all her skirts shots are pleasing. ;)

You want something corny? You got it!



As a kid I thought there were both hot - one "traditional" cheerleader hot, the other a nerdy kind of girl next door.

Now, with age and experience, I know that Steph is the one that would be the freak, and probably easier to score with.


I like Stef, but it wouldn't be until I saw Martha Plmpton in the Woody Allen film Another Woman (1988) that I would really take notice of her charms; there's no one quite like her.


Kerri Green (Andy) turned 18 during the middle of shooting "The Goonies" whereas Martha Plimpton (Stef) was only 14 during filming. I'll go with Andy since she was more of a woman in the movie, not to mention just all-around more alluring (face, hair, figure). Martha would go on to become a uniquely attractive woman, of course; I'm talking about in the movie.
