Goofy Question!

"Velcro. Next to the walkman and Tab it's the coolest invention of the 20th century."

Do they still make Tab?! I have NEVER had it in my life (I'm only 19 though,...) and I have never seen it in a grocery store either. I remember watching "Adventures in Babysitting" when I was younger and there's a part where one of the characters is talking about 'spiking her stepmother's Tab' and I remember asking my mom what that meant because it made no sense to me since I didn't even know what it was lol. I'm from Texas maybe we don't have it here (then again, I've never actually LOOKED for it in the store, so who knows!).


Yes, they still make Tab. I have a friend who drinks it.


Yeah, it's just another cola wanna-be. In my opinion, it kinda tastes like crap, but then again, I don't really like soda at all.


It tastes like a diet soda, even though it isn't labelled AS diet soda. It comes in a bright pink can.


Im in Texas and remember when it came out sometime in the 70's. Yes, it's in a pink can, and I think it was like the FIRST diet cola or something like that. Anyway, I don't think the sell it in these parts. That's happens sometimes....they don't get Dr Pepper in most states.


I'm 32 yrs. old & I've -never- had a Tab either. I do know what it is & I have seen them before. However, it been -quite a few- years since I've seen them available in stores. (I live in TN & I don't think they're sold here any longer).


Interestingly, TAB was owned by the Coca-Cola company, though it was never officially advertised as such. It was released as the first sort of "diet" soda. The recipe has been tweaked over the years, I think. Here's a website about TAB's history and availability:

I've seen many other sites about TAB. It's got practically a cult following. As for myself, I saw some just the other day at my local Albertson's.

Note: though the site I linked says the name comes from "keeping tabs on your weight" I've read elsewhere that that was just a tagline they came up with later. Originally, it was a product of a computer randomizing program, to make a simple, recognizable, 3-letter brand name.


yeah.... Tab is still around. It wasn't being sold for a few years then it came back. My dad drank Tab when I was a little girl.... he still drinks Tab. I'm 25 now. That soda has been around for a long time


yes tab is still being sold...they are even marketing the new tab energy drink (in new york anyway).
ps. that is one of my favorite quotes too!!


I remember Tab...I loved it more than Diet Coke. I think that the first real diet drink was Fresca, if Im not mistaken, but it wasn't advertised as 'diet'. My Mom said she drank it in the 60's when she was losing weight to join the army.

The good old days weren't always good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems


It's now 2010 and yes they still make Tab. Hard to find though. Not worth looking for. Nastiest tasting drink I ever had.


I'm from TEXAS too!! I have seen it here at a walmart in Huntsville I think it's a kind of pinkish/red can. I haven't seen it in large amounts since the 80's but I did see it once at Walmart.

"I'm not crazy M'Lynn, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years"


wALKMAn. thats funny too. what a bulky battery eating obsolete contraption that is.

Glove slap, baby, glove slap!
Glove slap, I don't take crap!
Glove slap, shut your big yap.


hey hey hey ease up on the WALMAN it was all we had then . . .

"I'm not crazy M'Lynn, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years"
