MovieChat Forums > Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985) Discussion > Who was Sarah J. Parker's hot dance part...

Who was Sarah J. Parker's hot dance partner ? He was so hot!!

I saw this great movie for the first time late one night and wasn't paying too much attention to names and details. Who is the good looking young actor who plays Sarah Jessica Parker's dance partner ? He looks like he might be a teenager between the ages of 15 and 18, but I'm not sure about his age. Who is he and what other movies did he do ? He was o hot in this movie. I loved his tight jeans and his strong, athletic looking dancer's body. And the hair and face. What a hottie. If I had been a teenage girl in the 80's, I would have been all over him! He made me so hot watching him.

PS I had been a 90's teenager, something of which I am proud of, and in the 90's saw many 80's movies on VHS but I didn't get to see Girls Just Wanna Have Fun until recently. It was never a huge 80's hit and 1985 had so many hits that many other movies were just pushed aside to obscurity (Teen Wolf with Michael J. Fox for instance, because he was better known for Back To The Future and Family Ties) and many other movies came out in the period of 1985 and 1986 that were never as famous as the bigger hits that were coming out at this mid 80's period - Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Nightmare on Elm Street etc.


Honestly not sure if ur referring to Lee Montgomery but his name should be on front page of this movie page. If ur referring to her original dancer when they start off ... then I'm not sure.

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand
