loved that as a kid.

"It was Hell down there." Inspector Clouseau


Don't recall if I saw this movie via TV or video shown in classroom. But recall the next day at School one of my classmates tried that stunt on me. I just stood there staring at him as if he was nuts and when it came to the grabbing of the chest ~ I went for his first. He was mortified that I turned it around on him.

[At The Court, Drew tells a girl named Tiffany that she'd be great at a game called Tune in Tokyo. He explains that she must put her hands behind her head and say, "beep, beep, beep..." and twist at the waist]
Drew: "Picture this: it's WWII and our ship is going down in the middle of the Pacific and our only hope is the short wave radio.
[Drew puts his hands on Tiffany's breasts and twists them as if they were radio knobs]
Drew: "Tune in, Tokyo! Tune in Tokyo!..."
[Tiffany hits him with her purse and stomps off]

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand



"It was Hell down there." Inspector Clouseau


If a kid tried that today, he'd probably be expelled & sued for sexual harassment... right? ;-) But I grew up in the 80s (and early 90s), when boys really did try that crap! Happy to say I never fell for it, LOL.


So THIS was the movie that so many pimply teenage boys got the "tune in Tokyo" joke from. *face-palm*

Go take a step outside - see what's shaking in the real world.


There's a story where my brother tried it on a girl at the public pool and got slapped. He denies it happened, and I wasn't there so I can't say one way or the other, but a few people told me the story and I think it's probably true.

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I watched this movie last night for the first time since the 80's and I forgot all about "Tune In Tokyo". Hilarious!

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, nobody else wanted them either.


That is an old prank. Boys had been pulling it for decades prior to the movie.
