Is it Robert Downey Jr.???

I know he's uncredited. But I swear that's Robert Downey Jr. in the country club chaos scene. He's the guy underneath the table who stands up and knocks the banquet table over after the other guy pulls off the tablecloth. Am I wrong??



I also have always wondered about that. It looks just like him.


But even if he was uncredited, it would come up in his film credits on imdb. I checked 1985 and it wasn't there.

Plus on the entire Girls Just want to Have Fun cast list on this site, he wasn't on the list. Even uncredited people are mentioned here.


But, I, too, think it's him. I could care less what IMDB says.


Also, does anyone know who the drummer in the band is? It looks like Bruce Willis...



No, it was Robert Downey Jr who was dating Sarah at that time, and he IS in the movie (uncredited)!

It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool



yes is totally is him! thats cool!


I just bought the DVD and finding out all sorts of things from this forum. But I'm sure he was in it since he was dating the star at the time. Will review movie again and check. Along with which dancer is Gina Gershon and if Halle Berry was in the diner scene.


Yeah, it's him. Plus, he looks just like he did in "Back To School". Totally gorgeous, no matter WHAT!!!



Joey F. Jeremiah, that's F for pharmacy.
