Movie Mistakes

This movie is one of my favorites and I recently watched the Bluray edition and noticed a couple of mistakes.


When Charliey is searching for the strange sound outside his house and find it is the bush slashing att the window, meantime Jerry is walking towards the sleeping mother but he is not in the mothers room but i Charlieys rooms, you can se posters on the wall, there are no posters in the mothers room.

When Jerry is strangeling Charley before he throws him through the closet door you can see Jerry talking to Charley but there is no audible dialog.


in the movie when Charlie and the police man are talking to billy cole, charlie accuses them of being vampires.
The police man starts to mutter "for heavens sake" then immediately shouts "what the hell are you talking about"
as Charlie tries to explain ,the cop again says "for heavens sake" as he's about to drag Charlie the actor got his lines confused and covered it so brilliantly the editor /director and fans didn't notice(or imdb for that matter)
can some one get them to accept it as a goof?
