2014 R2 DVD

I used to own this on video years ago so i decieded to buy the dvd from amazon and was shocked to see they've changed the artwork, instead of the creepy vampire face there's two red eyes above the house (which is also different). Usually i'm not that fussed but the original cover for fright night was a classic.


I agree, one of the best posters for a horror film.


That idiotic artwork seems to be creeping onto boxes around the world. Here in the USA it hasn't gotten a stand-alone release, but it's the front of a 4-movie combo pack.


I find it strange that in this Blu Ray era, companies are still releasing stand alone new DVDs for old classic films like this..
I know not everyone can afford or even has a Blu Ray player, but still...
I can only assume that every so often they simply print a new batch, ( when an old issue goes out of print ) and occasionally change the artwork ( like in this case ) maybe to differentiate this as a reissue..?
