>> How about Ghandi.
> Ghandi was a fool.
No. He won freedom from oppression, through peaceful protest.
Foolish. Something that issn`t born from blood and flames will never last.
>> And afterwards, continued to live a modest life.
>> He became prime minister and all his family after him have li
Yes, but he didn't abuse his power.
Installing almost a heratitary monarchist form of goverment where the decendants of this family have first shoot at the canidacy for prime minister in his party you wouldnt consider an abuse of power?
He didn't import slaves. Didn't subjugate the weak. He worked toward making India a better place.
A place where children and entire familes are forced to sell themselfs into slavery because they cant feed themself and a goverment that insists on a century old cast system that clearly seperates the poor from the rich and women have almost no rights – they still are not allowed to divorce, have no rights if they get battered, are not allowed a legal right of abortion and are burned alive with the remains of there husband if he dies before them! - but a goverment that spends billions on nuclear weapons it could better use in population controll and feeding the starving?
>>Never cowering, even when she was burned at the stake.
>She wanted to be burned at the stake! She could've repented, withd
No, again. She was sold out by the French, after she won their major battles.
Yes she was. But dying was her choice.
Even if she'd repented, the English would have most likely thrown her in prison, permanently, or killed her anyway. She was too dangerous to be set free.
True. But at least there wouldve been a chance to fight another day.
... It just underlines that your stupid.
So, your sisters boyfriend, who saved the two of you from rape & burning at the stake, is a dead fool? He didn't do anything good by helping the two of you, he should let them kill you?
First of: he wassnt Rachels boyfriend back then. He only became that afterwards and still is that today. And he got his reward. Three times over.
>>People who risked themselves for what they believed in.
>What they believed in! Thus forcing others to their POV.
Again, assuming your sisters boyfriend at least cared for her, he didn't "believe" she was worth his sacrifice? He could have died. Six against one? In any fight, there's a chance that you won't make it, no matter how good (at fighting) you are. So he chanced his life & saved you both. How stupid of him.
Clive happens to be a self tought master martial artist which noone in town knew till that day. He couldve taken on ten guys and wouldve gone through them like paper despite he weights 240 pounds and everyone in school made fun of him and called him a fat pig and other names. The guys he beat up gave up or ran away in two seconds. Only seeing him comeing down Tailmanroad made them run. Exceept the sheriffs cousins son. And he ran away after the third teeth he lost.
>>They stayed true to themselves.
>Themselves exactly! They put their needs and wants before those of
As should've your sister's boyfriend, right. So he should've run, or stayed & helped them.
Clive wouldve never helped them. He hates those boys because they treat him like dirt because of his family. Just like us. He was itchying for a chance for payback. But he issnt as stupid as his dad. He waited for a situation like that and then he took it.
>He is a big fuzzy cudly bear with the heart of a wolf.
I don't know how big he is, but I can't imagine him as "cudly".
He once told me. But I forgot. I think you have to be a girl to really get the
cudly thing.
>These people you mentioned they are just sheep.
Actually they were leaders. Tank is the sheep. He followed orders just like a good little soldier. Did everything they told him, whether it was against personal morals or not.
I dont think so. I just think that you dont understand or would call what he calls ethics or morals that.