For the BIGGEST Fandango fans, the Ultimate Fandango July 18th!
If you are a huge fan of Fandango you will not want to miss "The Ultimate Fandango" in July. On July the 18th in San Elizario, TX at the location where the wedding scene was filmed, there will be an outdoor screening of Fandango. Chuck Bush, the actor who played Dorman, and Brian Cesak, the actor who played Lester, will be in attendance.
The day before the event, a select group of attendees will take part in a scavenger hunt that will take teams to several of the filming locations and involve digging up their own bottle of Dom Perignon. Also, one member of each team will go skydiving.
Plus, a nationwide search for a couple to be married in San Elizario will be conducted. Chuck Bush will preside over the ceremony just like in the film.
All info about the event can be found at:
If you are a huge fan of this movie, check out the website at It is ran by Chuck Bush, Dorman himself, who will answer your questions on the message board at
Check it out!