Paramount has announced the up-coming DVD release of 3 great Sci-Fi films.
Fire In The Sky Expolrers D.A.R.Y.L
Its about time too, lets hope that these where worth the wait. No release date has been confirmed, but hopefully we can see them towards the end of 2004.
I might be 26, but I love Explorers. The effects are great, and should transfer nicely to DVD. As Paramount are releasing it (and the other two) I don't suppose we'll see any extras other than a trailer (if we're lucky).
By the way, do you know if this will only be region 1, or will us Brits get to see it without resorting to Amazon as usual! No disrescpect to Amazon.
Region 2 only. That makes a change. Not necessarily a healthy one either, but still, I'm not complaining. Let's hope it's a 3-disc boxset stuffed with extras, Director's Cuts, commentaries (say... 5 or 6), trailers, docs, storyboards, scene breakdowns, set designs, effect breakdowns, creature designs...
Sorry, getting carried away there. I almost forgot that this will be a Paramount release.
Well, I suppose with this kind of film, you can't expect more than bare bones release. A few extras would be nice though. I haven't seen the film in a few years now, and that was the pan 'n' scan version on TV. Does anyone know the original ratio? I get the feeling it's 1.85:1 rather than 2.35:1.