I am asking this question on this board because I figure this film came out during the same era as this other unique sci-fi one I'm trying to find.

I only remember it vaguely, but hopefully someone can identify the film I have stuck in my head. It was about a group of young people. It kind of reminds me of "The Goonies" a little, except it was Sci-Fi. I can't remember much about the villains, but there was this one scene where one of the villain was able to make this guy's whole fist transform into a bunch of ants. It was really strange. The guy's whole hand turned into like thousands of ants (or something).

Sorry I can't remember much of it. But does anyone know what film this might be?

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


Solarbabies aka Solar Warriors (UK title).


Well first of all, I appreciate this ver much, Pearshaped. Fortunately though, I was able to find it after continuous looking and searching for lists on various Sci-Fi boards.

~thanks again though... now, I face the challenge of somehow locating this old, unique film..

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


Guess who has it on laserdisc ;)


Well in that case... suck.


I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way
