Cutted out scenes

I have tried to get this fillm on dvd with failure and i was thrilled when it was in tv, film4, did anyone else watch it on film4?
i have seen a picture taken from the film with river phoenix being held against a locker in a school but that bit wasnt in the movie shown on tv?
Is there such a scene in the film on dvd? or was i looking at a deleated scen photo?



It not on the dvd that i have!


On the only DVD release that I know of, the only deleted scene I know of is when Wolfgang walks to school and gets bullied by Steve Jackson a bit. If there's more, let us know.



The original version also had them pushing the piece of carnival ride from the dump, and it rolled down a hill and they chased after it. I remember it because my brother and I laughed very hard at that scene. It's on the version we taped off of PPV back in 86 or 87.


I've just watched explorers again, the first time since childhood, and it's a great little film.

I was watching a dvd that i got from the states (i'm in Oz) and the only special features on it are two deleted scenes - the two mentioned in the earlier posts to this thread.

The dvd edition is the Paramount 'widescreen collection' release in 2004. It does note that 'This film has been modified from its original version. Some footage has been added and some deleted from the theatrical version'. Its so long ago since i first saw it that i don't have a clue whats in or out!


The DVD release cuts out the scenes of the school bully and the Thunder Road rolling down the hill ( which have always been in the U.K. version ) and puts them as the 'extras'. The DVD has the U.S. ending which has the Thunder Road appear to Ben in the classroom. Scenes which were filmed but never seen include the boys attending Lori's birthday party and Wolfgang finding his little brother in the Thunder Road. I think there may have been a final confrontation with the school bully at the end too.
