alternate version

apparently according to this site the rolling the trolley thing down the hill part was edited out of the film after theatre release but i have it in a version a taped of tv.does anyone else know why this scene was listed as edited out?


apparently according to this site the rolling the trolley thing down the hill part was edited out of the film after theatre release but i have it in a version a taped of tv.does anyone else know why this scene was listed as edited out?

It depends. What country are you from?




Ok, well the reason is that the UK (and Europe) had a slightly different version of the film to the US. In the US the film was re-edited after its theatrical run; the scene where the boys are rolling the Thunder Road was shortened, and the walk to school at the start was taken out. There was a short scene of Ben dreaming of the Thunder Road inserted at the end.

The DVD release was of the US version (both in the US and Europe). It had the two 'removed' European scenes as a special feature.
