Fan Edit?

I loved this movie as a kid...seen it when I was about 8 and thought it was great, until the last half hour or so...everyone knows at which point the movie gets dumb...even to an 8 year old, it just lost its what im suggesting is someone do a fan edit of this film...get them to the space ship and where they walk around it...and creative...splice in a seen from a completely different movie, i dont care...just do something...just make it so they never meet the could edit in ethan hawke's speech about the whole thing being pointless as a voiceover...come on...make one of my favorite movies not suck


I feel your pain.

I tried to re-think the ending many moons ago, and it would have been possible, but the rubber-suited comedians would have to go.


HAHA! I'm right there with you. Just a couple days ago this movie was on tv, and I was asking myself why wasn't I a huge fan of this film? I love 80's films, Joe Dante, and Jerry Goldsmith did the score... I'm a huge Goldsmith fan. So I started watching it again for the first time since being a kid, and I was loving the movie. So I thought maybe I was just wrong as a kid. Then came the Aliens... It was like a vault opened up in my head, and I remembered everything. This was the reason I never really liked this movie. Dante is great in my book, but he does have issues with Looney Tune type characters. Which work for me in Twilight Zone the movie, and even in Gremlins when they're in the bar. But in this film the Aliens are just cheesy & annoying. They kill the second half of the film... I would love to have a copy of this fan edit!
