MovieChat Forums > Explorers (1985) Discussion > The alien father is hilarious!

The alien father is hilarious!

Who else thought that the annoyed alien father and his excited alien-expletive-rich dialog and many-arm gestures was hilarious? And then he picked up on the word "Paris" for some reason. That scene always cracks me up every time. And then his big starship sounds like an old garbage truck as it moves about.

Fantastic sound effects in this film.


I thought the entire scenes with the aliens (kids and father) was a riot! Wak is one of my all-time favourite characters. When I saw it in the theatre I got a side-stitch and temporary laryngitis from laughing at his rapidfire old-television-and-movies schtick. Robert Picardo is a genius.

"Madam — this driveway WILL NOT DO!!" - John Wilmott, THE LIBERTINE


I love that scene too. I beleive he picked up on the word "parents"...

Mumbled.... "Parents, parents? Bye bye..."


Oh right. Didn't the female alien say "We'll always have Paris" and then the father reacted to it?


Hah, that's funny...I just looked up the script and she does say "We'll always have Paris."
I thought she always said "We'll always have parents..." Guess she's quoting something from TV again. :)


I like it when they say
"Boy and I thought my dad was tough."

That's what I would have said.


Actually a takeoff from 'Casablanca.' One of my favorite movies and I'm 62.


Robert Picardo has excellant timing as a comnedian. Best known at the moment for his role in Star Trek Voyager, (the comic relief part of the doctor), I recall an epsiode where it is mostly a two man stand up show between him and another comedian (who was also playing a doctor on a different ship (his name I think is Andy Dick, but I can not remember the name of the episode)). They were trading insults on a different ship. I reccommend it to people who are fans of Robert, without neccessarily being fans of Star Trek.


"Wolfgang, Wolfgang, who the hell is Wolfgang" HAHA, you can make that out in the alien dads rant to his was my favorite part! I love this movie!!

Arrested Development Fans - There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I read it as him ranting, "Wolfgang!?! WOLFGANG?!! What the hell're you doing going out with a guy named Wolfgang?!??!"
Kind of a running joke. Remember Darren saying, "If my parents named me 'Wolfgang' I think I'd kill myself."

What?! WHAT??!?! WHAAAAT!! The Glove is losing its touch!! — Chief Blue Meanie




Boy, he's REALLY pissed....



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