MovieChat Forums > Explorers (1985) Discussion > the best scene in the movie is...the old...

the best scene in the movie is...the old guy saying 'nice going kid'

when dick miller's cop looks up at the ship, nearly a tear in his eye. The music, and the acting are really special. Anyone agree?


Agreed, I still think it's a 'feelgood' kind of film even now as an adult. One of my favourite films when I was a kid.


Love the film, love that scene. I'm still waiting for Joe Dante to go back to the film and reconstruct it as it should be. Such a victim of takeovers and power shifts at Paramount.

I know there is more stuff out there - mountains of footage that never got used - the official story book and even some of the flash cuts within the film itself are proof of this. I'm not to close to the version I got on DVD, reason being two scenes are removed and presented as additional scenes on the disc. Cheat! They were always there as a kid, why the change?

"Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!"


Have a look on the imdb trivia for explorers. Apparently this is Joe Dante's re-edit of the film currently on dvd. the scenes you describe were for the tv version. They found there way on the vhs and the like since. It would've been nice to see the extra footage, and a making of documentary.

I had thought of getting the ghostbusters blu-ray. But everyone has been going on about the grain that's evident on the print, and the lack of the music video by parker junior..the best 80's title for blu-ray is still The Thing.


Love the film, love that scene. I'm still waiting for Joe Dante to go back to the film and reconstruct it as it should be. Such a victim of takeovers and power shifts at Paramount.

He said a long time ago that he thought the footage was gone forever. I believe he restated this when they had a showing recently. He said he had a LOT of unused footage that was now gone.

I know there is more stuff out there - mountains of footage that never got used - the official story book and even some of the flash cuts within the film itself are proof of this. I'm not to close to the version I got on DVD, reason being two scenes are removed and presented as additional scenes on the disc. Cheat! They were always there as a kid, why the change?

The only flash cut I ever noticed not being in the film was of the kids walking through a tunnel. The same shot was used in the trailer.

The reason the two scenes are removed is that the DVD is the 'special home video version' that the US got, with the scenes taken from the foreign cuts as a bonus. In the UK those scenes were always a part of the film (the walk to school is one of the best scenes, in my opinion).

Have a look on the imdb trivia for explorers. Apparently this is Joe Dante's re-edit of the film currently on dvd. the scenes you describe were for the tv version. They found there way on the vhs and the like since. It would've been nice to see the extra footage, and a making of documentary.

The scenes were in the original US theatrical cut, the TV versions and the international release (theatrical and video). The lost footage, according to Dante, is long gone.



grain is supposed to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you clean it off its not right

check this

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."



It's not about worshipping old technology, it's about accepting the limitations of the time and knowing that if they digitally smear away the natural film grain, you're actually losing detail and definition to the point where you might as well be watching the DVD. You're not seeing it as it was if you were there on set, you're just seeing the image processed through yet another filtering method.

Blu-Ray and HD should principally be about capturing the film source as it was at the time and if that's mucked around with, you're liable to get some shoddy product like the new edition of Predator where everyone looks like some Madame Tussaud's wax sculpture. Personally, I was blown away by Ghostbusters on BD.


I think a lot of modern people need to get over the "Everything has to be updated" mentality. This generation does not exist in a bubble. The current world does not exist in a bubble. The world and reality is all comprised of the existing of layers of all eras built upon each other, as well as generations of people coexisting with each other. That's the beauty of the world, that it's ancient and new all in one.

Some movies look great with HD transitions, others do not, and sometimes you just have to appreciate the original version for what it is. I mean, you see a lot of film makers(Indie, though JJ Abrams is going back to using film for the new Star Wars movies) shying away from digital because of what you can do with film. It's not about being stuck in the past more than it is an artistic choice. I can paint on photoshop, but what if I just want to break out the oil paints and do something on a physical canvas? Digital art is fine, but if you just limit your perspective, you won't get anywhere in life. To appreciate life in it's fullest is to appreciate it's different facets, and that is isn't just ONE definitive way(because trend or pop culture SAYS it has to be that way). There's beauty in imperfection(or what those of modern taste would deem "imperfect", as dictated by what is culturally relevant and acceptable, to those who wish to align their taste with the zeitgeist to be "in trend" and hip).


Really bummed me out at the end... that he wasn't allowed to "Fly" with the kids??!!
Lost "Baby Boomer's" extra $50 million drachma's at the tally!


I was just taking my lunch break in my car and listening to Cinemagic (XM radio station that only plays movie score music) and they played a bunch of music from Explorers...the last thing I heard was the "nice going kid" part.

That put a big smile on my face as this is one of my favorite movies from my childhood. And THEN, there just happens to be a thread about that very scene on here! hehe

I had to share :o)


The cop was a pilot also. I bet as a kid he dreamed about space too.

I listen to "discovery" and "the construction" on my iPod all the time. jerry goldsmith rocks


I was hoping for some closure at the end. When Dick Miller is talking about how he has been dreaming about UFOs lately and had the same dreams when he was a kid, I always took it that the aliens had tried to contact humans years ago, only Dick didn't have the technology when he was a kid to build the spaceship. He's been waiting his whole life to find out the answer to this secret. I can understand that he doesn't get to go with them but it would have been nice if he could have met up with them at the end and asked them about what happened up there.
